Archive for September, 2008
Google's Chrome Market Share
I’ve seen all sorts of posts immediately after Google’s Chrome was released. Some were reviews, some discussions of strategy, and some were more or less “how many people will use it?” type posts or discussions.
Yesterday I was seated in a meeting with a company which makes a different browser, and wondered what impact it was really having.
In reading other reviews, the one thought that kept nagging at me was all these posts drew from technology sites’ data. Of course that would be skewed. The early adopters will be bleeding edge techies. We try everything! (note: I use a Mac, and can’t try Chrome).
The luxury of being part of Enquisite is I can actually look up the real numbers! We collect data on tens of millions of web events per day, drawn from thousands of web sites. So, I thought I would share what we are seeing.
For early next month, I’ll try and post some browser share data using a larger sampling of data. But for now, I thought for now I’d post data from four non-technology skewed, general consumer oriented sites, and break it out on a daily basis:
30/08/08 31/08/08 01/09/08 02/09/08 03/09/08 04/09/08 |
700,351 763,287 890,852 957,644 956,753 932,465 |
Chrome Count
14 1 3 8,694 17,773 18,738 |
0.002% 0.0001% 0.003% 0.91% 1.86% 2.01% |
Note: 31st was a Sunday, Labor Day was the 1st.
Remember: Data is only from 4 (four) sites out of +5,000 in our DB, but they represent general consumer oriented sites, and thus are not technologically skewed.
I’ll attempt to do a full analysis early next month, and show who the Chrome marketshare is pulling from. IE? Firefox? (not Safari yet!)